Saturday, March 10, 2012


stays in Vega, only nothing ever happens in Vega, it seems, so its moot.  I've rarely seen such a sleepy place.  There were buildings, like a town hall, a medical centre, a church, two bars, two grocery stores, but no people, to speak of.  It was as if a neutron bomb had gone off, and the the place had become re-peopled by actors.  The place where we were supposed to get our sello was shut when I arrived, so I hung around for a while until I got the idea to go to the refugio and knock on the door.  Alain and Jacqui were there already, and let me in.  I did some laundry and waited around for things to open up again.  As I was out on the balcony hanging my clothes on a wire rack,  I saw a white haired peregrino looking lost, so I waved to him and signalled that I would let him in.  He was Czech, and spoke no English, no French, and no Spanish.  Talk about a stranger in a strange land!  He was extremely pleasant in his manner, but evidently wanted to keep to himself, so we let him.  Alain and Jacqui were quite friendly, but Alain was tired (he was no spring chicken either), so it was siesta time for us all.

When the shops re-opened, I went out to get my credencial stamped and see what there was to eat.  I went to the other bar for a cafe con leche.   I was hoping to get a glimpse of the Royal Wedding, (which I have yet to see) but, you guessed it, what was on the TV was the end of the blessed bike race!  Their food wasn't ready for a few more hours and it was expensive, so I headed up the street to the Super Cristina to see what there was in the way of groceries.  Not much.  No people = no food.  I bought some arroz con leche in little plastic cups and a banana.  Then I went to the other grocery store.  Not much there either,  but their bread looked delicious.  There were two loaves on display, and the woman behind the counter asked which one I would like.  I said,  you choose, because there didn't seem to be much between them.  She picked one, and as she handed it to me, she watched my face.  I gasped as I touched it. The bread was still warm!  What a simple and wonderful gift she had shared with me, out of the kindness of her heart.  We smiled at one another, no common language required.

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