I always love it when my attention is drawn to patterns in nature. Everything fits together so perfectly.
Recently, I discovered the beautiful spirograph pattern created by the spatial relationship between the orbits of Venus and that of the Earth over an interval of eight years.
I have to thank Dan Brown's book, the Da Vinci Code, for teaching me something about the Fibonacci sequence which describes many of the governing structural principles of the natural world. And I do love a fractal.
Most of us humans are simple creatures. We know when a thing looks right and in harmony,
and some of us know when it does not.
Very few of us understand why. But when we are in the presence of harmony, we feel complete and at ease.
I'm just beginning to learn about the underpinnings, and I am fascinated, humbled, doubtful of my ability to understand, and exhilarated all at the same time.